Online Quran Academy, where dedicated tutors guide you on a spiritual journey to learn Quran with ease and excellence.


Online Quran School, where we make learning the Holy Quran easy and accessible for everyone. We believe the beautiful message of Islam should be understood by all, regardless of background. At our online Quran institute, we have a team of dedicated teachers who are experts and use clear and easy-to-follow methods to guide you through the Quran and Islamic teachings. Whether you are young or old, a beginner or advanced, we provide personalized lessons to suit your needs. We aim to help you master recitation, understand the teachings, and connect deeply with the Quran.As part of our vibrant community, you will experience the best online Quran academy. Join us today and start your journey of Quranic learning with us.

a boy with quran pic for al quran academy


“Our Quranic services are not just about learning; they are about embodying the teachings
of the Quran, cultivating a heart that reflects the beauty of Islamic principles.”

Noorani Qaida

At AL-ZAHRA , we believe unlocking the Noorani Qaida is the first step on a beautiful journey of understanding and reciting the Quran. Our online platform is designed to make this crucial learning process accessible and engaging for students of all ages and backgrounds.Our team of experienced Noorani Qaida instructors, are your dedicated guides.

Memorization of Holy Quran

AL-ZAHRA,dedicated to memorizing the Holy Quran plays an important role in fostering an environment where people can immerse themselves in the study of the holy text. Our institutions often provide structured programs and support to help students memorize the Qur'an effectively

Quran with Tajweed

At AL-ZAHRA, we believe the heart of the Quran lies not just in its words, but in the melody of its recitation. That's why we're dedicated to guiding you on a journey of both profound understanding and exquisite Tajweed. Our team of passionate Quranic scholars and Tajweed experts, hand-picked for their knowledge and warmth, will be your companions on this path.

Quran Translation

At AL-ZAHRA, we think the Quran speaks to everyone. We work hard to translate its beautiful messages into languages everyone can understand. Our translators are experts who really understand the Quran's meaning. We know how tricky it is to capture Arabic's essence in other languages, but we do our best to make it clear for everyone.

boy with quran pic for online quran academy


Ready to join our academy? Follow the easy steps we mention below. We made it easy for you to begin learning the Quran with our expert online tutors. Check out steps and get started today!

Click on Register Online

To take online learning class, first click on the below mentioned registration button and register your name and all mentioned detail.

Pick a Time for Free Trial:

After registeration, we get in touch with you and pick a time for a free trial class according to your schedule.

Begin this journey with your first class:

Start your Quran learning process by logging in with the credentials provided by us and start taking your first class with our teachers.

boy with quran pic for online quran academy


Trained Teachers

At AL-ZAHRA,our team consists of skilled teachers committed to delivering quality learning. They use modern teaching techniques and have the knowledge to inspire our students, ensuring a rewarding educational journey.

Flexible Pricing

At our Online Quran Academy, you can pay what you can afford and still receive high-quality Quran education. We do this to ensure that everyone, regardless of financial situation, can access our online Quran classes.

Skype Quran Classes

Our online skype Quran classes is great for those who can't attend normal classes. You can learn whenever it suits you, even with a busy schedule. It's user-friendly, opening up education to a wider audience and making learning accessible for all.

Anytime Access

Our learning materials are available 24/7, giving you the freedom to study the Quran whenever it fits your schedule. Our online platform ensures accessibility, empowering you to learn at your own pace and convenience.

Female/Male Teachers

Our institute offers male and female Quran teachers to suit your needs. Whether you feel more comfortable learning with a male or a female instructor, we have the right teacher.Our teaching team meets your unique needs and preferences.

One-on-One Lessons

Our tutors focus solely on you, making sure you understand every lesson and move forward at your own speed. This tailored method guarantees that your learning experience is effective and suits exactly what you need.



Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Tutor are really kind, understanding passionate and master in skills. recommended
Tara Abid
Tara Abid
Ok so I don’t actually do reviews. But i had to for this. This quran tutor is so good. Her way of teaching is amazing and understandable. My nephew and niece both are her students. And they’re learing so fast. Recommended 10/10
Al’s Mommy
Al’s Mommy
Teacher with this academy is really kind, understanding ,punctual and passionate.she is master is her skills.highly recommend her.

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